Friday, March 19, 2010

Lessons Learned from Chicken Pox

As with everything in motherhood, the chicken pox taught me some valuable lessons. I thought I would share:

10. Chicken pox are ALWAYS itchier at night.

9. Nothing can't be made somewhat better with popsicles and ice cream.

8. Other mothers ALWAYS have an opinion (in this case, half wanted to bring their children over to catch them and the other half treated me like a child abuser because I preferred Pk to get the pox rather than a needle that may or may not be effective long term).

7. There is nothing nice about scabs on the scalp.

6. Benedryl, our secret weapon as a sleep aid for adults can make children WIRED (I should have taken greater heed to the warning on the bottle of the children's stuff that it makes some children "excitable" - that was our two-hours-of-sleep night).

5. Despite our worries about taking time off work right before March Break, it always works out.

4. Mommy-guilt never gets better (was this an unfair thing to Pk that was my fault because I didn't get her the shot?)

3. That being up giving someone at bath at 4 a.m. can, in fact, be a beautiful thing and a gesture of love.

2. That even the most independent toddler/pre-schooler who likes to pretend that she is independent still loves nothing more than a mommy cuddle.

1. That the gifts of motherhood and the most precious moments come when I least expect them. I could never have imagined the joy of this journey. Thank you, God!


  1. Love your #1!

    One of my worst memories of childhood has to do with when I had the was so uncomfortable and my skin itches right now just thinking about it. (the other was when I had lice!!)

  2. I itched every time just the subject of chicken pox came up. Lice makes me break out in a rash (meaning just the subject of it and that's a problem when you teach grade 2!).

  3. It's always so awful when they are sick... and yet somehow, there are often sweet moments, too.
    like this.
