Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Amazing Animals

This past weekend was the holiday weekend here and it ended up being exactly what we needed - a time with good friends and a time to enjoy some of the things that we don't normally have the time for that we love.  The weekend was wonderful, even for a holiday weekend!

The kids and I started by going to our local garden centre to pick up a few things that we needed to fill in a few holes.  I'm a dreamer when it comes to the garden.  It rarely lives up to my expectations but there is nothing more fun than buying plants and imagining creating a lovely space.  It's not always so dreamy when one buys plants with Lb (there was a display of ceramic birdhouses that I was afraid was not going to last through our visit) but we did manage to have some fun and the kids loved getting in to help!

From there, we ran up to my friends' farm to train the dogs.  Since we have the kids, we haven't done much in the way of bird work with them - we aren't hunters and so it's not something urgent.  We decided, though, that a bit of pigeon fun would be right up their alley and it was (and, for the record, they are homing pigeons so they were pointed and then flew back to the barn to fly another day).

The old girl may be 12 be she still knows how to find those birds!

Even our resident bonehead managed to do a good job!

The final part of the day's outings was by far the favourite.  A friend who has a horse has been inviting Pk for a while to see some things at her barn and our schedules have just never cooperated.  Well, finally, we managed to get there and our visit included meeting a week-old foal, a miniature pony who we got to feed and helping to bring our friend's horse in from the field.  Needless to say, Pk was in orbit, she was so excited.

If only every weekend could be a holiday weekend!

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