Monday, January 10, 2011

Multitude Monday 105

holy experience

I haven't done an entry for the new year so this should be a long list.

105. having dh home for 3 weeks
106. mincemeat tarts, hard sauce, snow pudding with custard sauce
107. Christmas Eve church services, candlelight services
108. laughing with family
109. recovery from illness
110. kind emergency room doctors who don't make parents of young children feel like we are wasting their time
111. a clean slate, a new year
112. the way that snow cleans up a dirty-looking world
113. the blue of a sky next to snow
114. getting back into routine
115. flannel pyjamas and sheets
116. hot pots of tea
117. hot chocolate after a winter walk
118. that snowsuits only need to be put on for a few months of the year
119. when I can find both mittens right away
120. to have time with my children (someone from high school died this week of cancer and she discovered her cancer when she was 8 months pregnant with her first child and died when he was in junior kindergarten - that certainly reminded me to treasure every moment that I have to give love to my children

Have a wonderful week filled with blessings.

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