Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day of Rest

As you might have read, one of my goals for this year is to find a way to rest, to slow down and enjoy some peace. It's not something that comes easily to me but I am finding myself so overwhelmed by life, I need to find a way to catch my breath.

One thing I realised last week is that I don't take advantage of Sunday as a day of rest. I used to. For a long time, Dh and I had a deal that on Sunday, we didn't watch t.v., we didn't use the computer and there was no work (particularly related to our professions) allowed. It was wonderful. We did all kinds of things we wouldn't normally do, whether it was to go for a long walk in the afternoon, play games, sit in the living room on the couch reading or to have a nice dinner with friends. Sunday truly was a day to catch our breaths, to gain some perspective and to relax. I loved it.

Somewhere along the way, we lost that. Sunday has become one of the more frantic days of the week. Yes, we go to church but when that involves getting a toddler out of the house, it doesn't end up being a very restful part of the day. I would get up early, do cooking for the week (I tend to take homemade soups for lunches, make homemade muffins for Pk), work out, have all kinds of housework to do and, as often as not, we had to get some shopping done. There was no peace in the day and I spent most of it focused on trying to get ready for the week. I have grown to really hate Sundays. I had read some wonderful books on Sabbath-keeping and love the idea but really, did nothing to make that happen.

That is something that needs to change and I am already seeing a difference. This week, I bought containers for the freezer to freeze my soup so that I can make it early. This week, on Friday night, I made a big batch of cauliflower soup and yesterday, I got the muffins made and the ingredients prepared for the stuffing for the turkey breast I am cooking this evening. I worked out for evenings this week so I am allowing myself to take the day off (other than walking dogs but that's something I enjoy).

Yesterday, I had one of those days... you know the kind I mean. Sometimes with a toddler, you have those times when parenthood has so much meaning and you feel such a wonderful connection with your child. Yesterday, it was the total OPPOSITE of that. I went to bed feeling so frustrated and angry - Pk was throwing tantrums over the most insane things (e.g., she had a total strop about not being able to reach the handle on the door at music class when we were leaving, with a large group of people trying to leave behind us). She has developed an eye-infection that involved a drive to the walk-in this morning, meaning we had to miss church and the baptism of the son of a good friend. I was feeling so discouraged and frustrated and hard-done-by. I had to go to the Christian Book Store to buy a gift for the boy being baptised and I saw this wonderful small wall plaque - "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest". I had to buy it, it was speaking directly to me.

Now to the good part. In the night, my ornery, cranky girl woke up crying inconsolably. I couldn't get her calmed down or to tell me what was wrong. Finally, I grabbed all her sleep gear (about 10 stuffed animals, four blankets, two dvds etc) and brought her into bed with me). We spent the night cuddled up and this morning, I was awoken to, "Hi, Mummy," and a hand stroking my cheek. She spent almost half an hour lying in bed with me, chatting and then we read stories. I didn't feel the usual rush to get up and get things done. It was an hour before we left the bedroom for our Sunday tradition of Daddy making bacon and me making blueberry pancakes. Instead of leaving for the walk-in feeling overwhelmed, I felt calm and Pk was wonderful (I think, a lot of the time, when she is at her most difficult, she is reacting to where I am at emotionally, whether I want to admit it or not). We are going to make cupcakes this afternoon (one of Pk's favourite things to do) and I think I might make her some playdough. If we can fit in a family nap (or a read, for me) that would be perfect. We will finish the day with a roast turkey breast with all the trimmings and for once, I will go back to work feeling like I spent the day really connecting with my family instead of feeling like I fit them in around my jobs. Talk about sustenance.

Thanks to Sonya, who helped me to remember what Sundays are truly for. I hope you enjoy your Sunday, too.


  1. Oh, I can't STAND "those" kind of days! They just seem to keep building and building, too, don't they?

    Your Sunday sounds so peaceful and better though. What a nice idea.

  2. You make such a GREAT point. We really need to get back to this too. And I have to say I completely agree with what you said about Pk reacting to where you are emotionally. It's very hard to admit and accept but I so see that in my daughter. When she feels pressured or stressed she reacts the same way I do and even worse when she knows that I am acting that way. They are so observant, much more than we ever realize!! Your day sounds amazing, I hope you got some great rest!!!

  3. This is my first time visiting your blog and when I read what you wrote specifically for January 10th, I had to wonder about the "coincidence" that I also wrote about the day of rest on January 10th.
    It's comforting to know that our Father knows we need times of refreshment as well as how He knows when we are trying to walk in His path or way. It was nice visiting. And, I do hope that you will find rest!
