Over the last few days, we have been glued to the t.v., watching the Winter Olympics (which is really strange, other than Chelsea F.C., you won't often see us watching t.v. sports). Of course, the opening ceremonies had me in tears several times (and we Canadians claim not to be patriotic...) and I thought I was going to have a heart attack a couple of times (I have discovered a love of watching freestyle skiing). Then, today, Tim Horton's got me again. I can't find it online but I will put a link when I get one. It's a man at the airport who is obviously welcoming his wife and children to Canada (it seems like she has come from Africa or the Caribbean and it has been a long separation). I sat and sniffled quite a while. So cruel, especially from a company that has so few good caffeine free options for those of us who are expecting.
That commercial is misterpie's new favourite as well.