The cavalry has arrived and it is such a relief! We live fairly far from close friends and family and while we have some friends in town, they aren't the close friends with which I would feel o.k about leaving Pk once I went into labour - not because these friends are reliable (they are wonderful!) but because either they have their hands full with their own families or because Pk just hasn't had much time away from us, especially for an overnight. I am not very good at asking for help, especially in a case where I may be asking you to take my child for 24 hours (or longer). My mom arrived Sunday and is going to stay until after the baby is born. I can't tell you what a relief that is. Knowing that Pk is safely being cared for by someone with whom she is very comfortable and who knows the routines, etc. is more of a relief than I can say. Thanks, Mum!
I've said it before - your mom is awesome. I'm glad you have that peace of mind - that can be worth more than words can say!