Gratitude Monday 17 - 29
My gratitudes for Monday 17 - :
17. that the rock was removable from Pk's nose
18. being able to comfort a scared little girl
19. the way that Baby Bean fills up my arms
20. the warmth of a baby smile
21. hot tea
22. the blue of an autumn sky
23. fellowship with our neighbours and a shared table
24. apples, pumpkins, acorns and chestnuts
25. the red of maple leaves in the fall
26. walks with the dogs and a friend
27. the comfort of wearing my boy
28. coming home to the smell of dinner ready
29. when the Bible study speaks directly to my soul
As I read this I found myself thinking about my own lil boy and loving the times where I can lean him against me and watch him sleep... few and far between for him.