Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Small Things...

Pk is teething. There is nothing fun in that. The poor kid has always had a rough time with teeth. I had kind of assumed that we had left those joys behind but I hadn't accounted for the 2 year molars (which are coming in at 2 1/2). These have quite possibly been worse than anything that has come before. We have had sudden and sporadic vomiting (once in our bed and last night, all over the dog's head - said dog had decided that the vomit was a nice snack - ugh). Then, there is the slight fever, the icky tummy and, the best, as far as I am concern, the almost constant whining. I have tried all the usual tricks - Advil seems to be our best help but even that isn't conquering things this time and none of the other things people have suggested (amber teething necklaces, cold things to suck, homeopathic remedies, chiro, etc) have made any difference in the least.

Today, after the sitter called me to come and get her because she seemed so "off", I decided that it was time to check with our doctor, just to rule out anything else. God was good to me - our doctor posts her office hours and today, she was on at the practice walk-in clinic so we didn't have any trouble getting an appointment.

I don't know whether you find this but I have really found that there are places where I meet really nice people and places where people tend to be rude and annoying (e.g., Costco - nothing against the store itself but it really seems to be that if you shop there, you turn into an aggressive, pushy, lacking-sense-of -humour grouch who loves to cut off pregnant women). Our walk-in, oddly enough, is one of those places where people are always nice, which is interesting given that people are there because they feel like crap. Today was no exception. Pk was uber-whiny (bad mummy had only brought water and crackers and not the milk that she insisted she needed) and I couldn't get her to stop crying. It must have driven everyone else waiting nuts but all people did was smile sympathetically and try to help. I even had a very kind woman offer to let me go ahead of her even though she was there before we arrived and had waited at least 45 minutes. It really restores my faith in humanity. People really do have such a capacity to be kind. One time, at the same walk in, we even had a woman waiting in the waiting room disappear for a few minutes and then return from the pharmacy which is adjacent to the clinic with a pack of crayons and a colouring book for Pk. There is just something about that particular waiting room that seems to bring out the best in people.

By the way, it was a bit of a wasted trip. Our doctor is sure that it is teething and we need to ride it out. At least I can relax that there isn't anything worse going on. Poor little Pk. There aren't anymore teeth for a while after these, right?????


  1. That is tough, watching them hurt without being able to help. besides advil/tylenol, I use Hyland's teething tablets, and also find that ice cream is good for a nice cool treat that takes The Bun's mind off it for a bit, if nothing else. Other than that, it's pretty much a "this too shall pass" situation, unfortunately. Sorry, Pk, hope it gets better soon.

  2. Thanks! It's fine, really, I know that we will get through this soon, I just get worried sometimes that there is something more going on and I am missing it. One thing this does do, it reassures me that I wasn't just being a wimp but I thought that teething was so awful when she was younger.

  3. Ooh... I've been lucky. When my daughter is teething it hasn't been too bad. Just a lot of drool and a little more whiny than usual. I sure hope Pk will feel better about those teeth soon!

    I've tried freezies for my daughter, and she loves them. They seem to help for a while...

    I hope this will pass sooner for you both rather than later!
