Hooray! After several weeks of crazy (the biggest event being the skating show for which I ended up being "den mom" - in charge of almost 100 young skaters waiting for costumes and skates to be tied - aaahhh!!!!), things are starting to settle down and I can see signs of routine coming back into our lives. I can't express how happy I am that it's over an that life can be normal (or as "normal "as it gets in our house). It's so nice to return to Ginny's Yarn Along!
My knitting has been coming along slowly. I am still working on the feather and fan baby blanket and I finished another pair of legwarmers and have started a third pair. The one pair I made were too small so they went to a friend of Pk. It's fun to see my legwarmers skating past me on the ice!
On the book front, I continue to read as much as I can. In the fiction department, I have finally gone back to a book I had bought ages ago. I love Sarah Addison Allen when I am in the mood for her. Her books are whimsical and sweet, and are stories in which dreams come true. There is a hint of magic in them but they are not fantasy. I love her when she is on - she makes me look a little bit differently at the world around me. As I am reading "The Girl Who Chased the Moon", I desperately want to make cake!
In terms of non-fiction, I have two books on the go - Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans and Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott. Both books are by authors who I find so easy to connect with but also who have fought some pain and some questions about faith and church that make me feel as if I am not the only one who struggles sometimes. They are also books that allow me to graze - I read a bit here, a bit there and the chapters aren't too long so I can read a tiny bit at bedtime and still feel like my faith muscles have gotten a bit of a stretch. That is exactly what I need right now.
I can't wait to see what you are reading and stitching!