E had me stumped for a while. One of my students (yes, we talk about this when I am on yard duty) came up with English muffins, which I thought was a good idea. Pk won't eat eggs so our culinary choices were rather limited. I thought that gathering eggs at the farm was a good idea but it just didn't seem like enough. It was days before I came up with a solution.
Then, out of the blue, I KNEW what we needed to do. Dh is from England and in our family, we believe that English chocolate is much better than anything available here in North America. I know, I know, it's technically more "candy" than chocolate but for "milk chocolate", the Brits just do it better. Once in a while, we go and get some crisps (there's nothing like pickled onion flavour), chocolate and dh gets jelly tots.
The shop itself is wonderful. It's off on a little side street and run by a tiny and seemingly ancient woman. It's generally frequented by ex-pats who seem to love children, especially very British-looking little kids who already recognize the team logos for many of the English premiership football teams. The shop owner loves little ones and Pk and LB always get spoiled, often with tubes of English smarties. It was a great idea for E as we have always called it "The England Store."
Of course, if we are talking England, dh's soccer gear was a necessity.
Finally, although it wasn't terribly inspired, we went up to the farm for Pk to gather eggs from her chickens. Of course, everyone needs to do that wearing a crown and a pink dress!
We had a Scottish Sweet Shop in the city that we loved. (You call it England Store, we have to call it the Scottish Sweets Shop) It was so convenient too, because it was in the same mall as Cuinn's store. Or maybe that was a bad thing...hard to say.