Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gratitude 79 and 79a

I love my home. It isn't my dream house and there are many things I would change but the longer we live here, the more it is filled with memories and small things that bring me a lot of pleasure. We are in the process of moving Pk to her "big girl room", which we are fixing up so that her old room can be the nursery for the baby in June. We went to Ikea today and had so much fun (and the best part of shopping at Ikea is that we left without breaking the bank but had some nice little things to make the room more comfy and fun). This was a great day and I love doing things for home.

79a is thanks for Kittenpie - I am feeling huge this pregnancy (although, once people express shock that I am due in June, they quickly add that "it's all baby") and I feel like a whale. It amazes me what people will say. Today I ran into someone who commented that I am "very pregnant". Kittenpie's stories about people thinking she was having twins has made me feel a bit less sting. Thanks again for soothing my oh-so-fragile ego :-).


  1. and poor Tara (from Bible study) got asked this week if she was pregnant...she's not and her baby is 1! I'm sure you look great.

  2. Ugh. People can be so insensitive! I have a friend at work who is dealing with some pretty serious infertility issues but since 8 of us at work are pregnant, the mothers at the school are obsessed and she has been asked quite a few times (and doesn't look it at all). It's like a knife every time. I have a policy that I never ask unless the person offers the information!

  3. People just flat out don't think before they open their mouths, and aren't thinking either about what it felt like to be pregnant. Even with Misterpie telling me it looked good on me last time, I felt like the Queen Mary, and half expected to find dolphins frolicking in the folds of my skirt billowing around me.

    You look pregnant, yes, but not that big yet. Think about how women look at the end! You do not have that swallowed-a-beach-ball look yet by far.
