Sunday, December 11, 2016

Advent Week 3 - Sunday

This morning, poor Dh was recovering from his very late night at the MLS game (wouldn't it be the coldest MLS final ever played that went into not only extra time but penalty kicks?).  We tried to let him sleep in so I ruled that we would spend some time getting some things done at the dining room table to keep things quiet.  Pk did Christmas cards for her coaches and daycare teachers, Lb did his homework (who knew there would be so much in grade 1?) and I worked on Christmas cards.  It was a lovely way to begin the day.

Every year, I feel pressure to get the cards done.  I know that lots of people are moving away from cards entirely or doing things online.  Not me.  I have a love for paper and for getting things in the mail.  I don't know why, but there is something lovely about a personal note, a check in with a dear friend, an excitement with opening a card to see what's inside.  I wish I had more time for it but I am fairly happy this year - last year, our cards were mailed after Christmas (we were aiming to make it within the 12 days of Christmas) and this year, I have at least half already mailed and I plan to get the rest out this week.

Today was also the day of one of our favourite Christmas traditions.  We have a good friend who hosts an annual tree cutting party.  She and her husband used to invite all kinds of people to meet at a tree farm, cut a tree and then head back to their place for a very informal gather.  Her husband has passed on but the family still has the tree cutting every year.  It's funny how families go through stages - we were the only ones who actually cut a tree this year but everyone still came and went back to her place for a lovely chili lunch and the usual treats (Deb's turtle brownies are fantastic!!!)  I'm not a fan of formal parties that involve stress about dressing and I don't much like parties where there is a lot of drinking but something like this, at which I know everyone and it's very casual is exactly the kind of thing that I love.  The kids love it too.  We are also hard-core real tree people (I will never understand artificial trees, it's one of my few true snobberies) and there is just something about the smell of a real tree that means Christmas to me more than just about anything else.  It was a lovely day.

Now, we wait anxiously to see whether we get the 15 cm of snow that has been predicted.  That could make getting into work very tricky in the morning.  Say a little prayer for me!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't given up card sending either and my list gets smaller and smaller. However, I love to receive a card in the mail :) Isn't it fun to look for a tree? We loved doing that when the kids were little :)
